The Tale of CocoBongo

The story of the island of CocoBongo begins like a lot of tall tales told by weary mariners over the centuries: an unfortunate ship finds itself floundering in a freak squall that appeared without warning, turning a placid tropical sea into a raging tempest quicker than a peg-legged pirate can gulp down a mug of grog.

The crew of the ship could have easily met a watery grave that day, but by Neptune’s good grace, the winds relented, the swells quieted, and our lucky vessel found itself gently perched on a pristine sandy beach. The ship was damaged beyond repair, but the crew was safe, and this idyllic island paradise seemed like the perfect place to soak in the sun and await rescue.

Now CocoBongo is not like other islands. It appears on no map, and until now, had never been trod upon by human feet. However, the crew soon realized they were not the first beings to be shipwrecked here. The island possessed an indescribable power and energy. The sailors soon discovered, anything they could imagine would instantly materialize… in the form of an inflatable pool toy.

One day, longing for home, a crew member got an interesting idea. If the whole crew got together and imagined as hard as they could, perhaps they could materialize an inflatable pool toy large enough to float across the sea and return home. After hours of focusing all of their energy, they succeeded! Suddenly, floating right off shore, was a full-size inflatable replica of their ship! The sailors boarded their new inflatable ship and headed home.

There remains, however, a bizarre postscript to this unlikely tale.

Though the sailors left CocoBongo Island, they retained the ability to materialize inflatable pool toys with sheer imagination!

Today, they’re hard at work dreaming up new designs to share with the world. Whenever you see an eye-catching inflatable that makes you LOL, or a poolside glamour pic that has you smashing the ‘like’ button, you just might be appreciating the work of this inspired and intrepid crew.